

Addressable device
A fire alarm system component with discreet identification that can have its status individually identified, or that is used to individually control other functions.
Alarm signal
A signal indicating an emergency requiring immediate action, such as a fire alarm signal.
Alkaline battery
Alkaline batteries are a type of primary battery dependent upon the reaction between zinc and manganese dioxide. Alkaline batteries need to be replaced yearly. Alkaline batteries are not rechargeable. Brooks asks that you please dispose of your depleted batteries in an environmentally responsible manner.
Analogue initiating device
An initiating device that transmits a signal indicating varying degrees of condition, such as smoke obscuration level. As contrasted with a conventional initiating device which can only indicate an on/off condition.
A unit containing two or more indicator lamps, alphanumeric displays, or other equivalent means in which each indication provides status information about a circuit, condition, or location.
Automatic fire detectors
A device designed to detect the presence of fire or the products of combustion. Including but not limited to, heat detectors, smoke detectors and beam detectors.


Carbon monoxide (CO)
Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless, tasteless and extremely toxic gas. It is absorbed by red blood cells in the lungs in preference to Oxygenthis results in rapid damage to the heart and brain from Oxygen starvation. Carbon Monoxide is the chemical by-product of any combustion process. Carbon Monoxide is the prime release from burning hydrocarbon based liquids and gasses (such as your gas BBQ, gas cooktop and gas-powered heaters). This is the main reason why outdoor gas heaters should never be used indoors.
Central station fire alarm system
A system or group of systems in which the operations of circuit’s devices are transmitted automatically to, recorded in, maintained by and supervised from a central station.
Control and Indicating Equipment
See carbon monoxide
Smoke alarm contamination can occur with contaminants such as dust, insects, grease and nicotine. The smoke alarm chamber is susceptible to becoming excessively sensitive or insensitive. This may lead to either an increase in nuisance false alarms, or to eventually becoming unable to detect smoke. It is recommended to annually vacuum the smoke alarm lightly to remove dust, insects and cobwebs from the surface of the alarm.
Control panel
An electrical device with switches, buttons, lights, or displays, used to monitor and control other devices or equipment.


Easi-fit alarm base technology
a base for a Brooks smoke alarm. The Easi-fit base provides for forward compatibility with Brooks’ future primary mains powered smoke alarms. For convenience, users will not need to change the bases for future upgrades or replacements.
EI Electronics are located in Ireland and manufacturers Brooks smoke alarms.
Exit plan
Plan for the emergency evacuation of the premises.


Fire Detection Control and Indicating Equipment complying with the requirements of AS4428.1 or AS7240.2.
Fire Fan Control Panel
Fire Alarm Condition
The “fire alarm” state of the FDCIE
Fire Detection and Alarm System
Equipment including control and indicating equipment, which when arranged in a specified configuration, is capable of detecting, indicating a fire and giving signals for appropriate action.


Heat alarms
Ideal for kitchens, laundry’s and garages as they detect heat rather than smoke, so aren't prone to nuisance alarms from cooking fumes.
Hush button
The hush button feature can be used to temporarily silence the alarm and will then automatically reset itself.


Initiating devices
Any device that feeds information from the field to the control panel (a primary element).
Interconnection significantly increases safety by providing an early warning. With interconnection if one alarm is triggered all alarms are activated. Brooks alarms can be either hardwired or wirelessly interconnected. Interconnection is mandated in most states where a home has more than one smoke alarm fitted.
A smoke sensor with a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates which ionises the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm. Ionisation smoke alarms/detectors are generally more responsive to flaming fires. 
The Brooks Alarm Isolator is a wall mounted switch used to silence alarms which are activated in a non-dangerous situation. When activated, it removes the alarm for a period of five minutes and allows time for the source of the alarm to be removed.


Lithium battery
A lithium battery is a type of rechargeable battery in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge and back when charging. Lithium batteries are very efficient and are not as averse to deep cycling (being heavily drained or run flat) as other battery types. Lithium batteries do not suffer from the “memory” issues that the predecessor Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries would suffer from. Lithium batteries are also not as environmentally toxic as Sealed Lead Acid or Ni-Cd batteries, regardless, Brooks still asks that you dispose of these depleted batteries in an environmentally responsible manner.


Mains is the general-purpose alternating-current electric power supply.
An alarm generated when at least two separate sensors detect the condition before the alarm is triggered. In some instances, redundant sensors in different system zones must trip before the alarm is triggered. However, activation of one sensor may trigger an alarm. When this happens, there is high probability that a real emergency exists. Multi sensors can be faster responding. 


A smoke sensor that detects light reflected off smoke particles in a tiny chamber within the sensor.  Photoelectric smoke alarms/detectors are generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smouldering.
See photoelectric


RadioLINK™ uses radio frequency (RF) signals to interconnect alarms together. RadioLINK is a proprietary wireless protocol deployed by Brooks to greatly reduce interference from other transmitting devices. RadioLINK is a “Mesh Network System” where one device attempts to connect to two other devices. This is done to create resilience in the RadioLINK network. RadioLINK employs multi-level repeating of signals which means that the alarms will pass on RF signals from one alarm to the other.
Radio frequency, wireless. In the case of Brooks devices, this is RadioLINK
Residential Fire Panel
Residential Fire System


A device designated to product a signal or other indication in response to an event or stimulus within its detection area.
Silence Button
See “Hush Button”
Smoke Alarm
A smoke alarm is a device that senses smoke, typically as an indicator of fire and emits a loud and distinctive sound to alert occupants of potential danger.


Thermal alarm
See heat alarm


Visual Alarm Devices
Visual Warning Devices
A strobe light and vibrating pad designed for use with a domestic smoke alarm by a user with a hearing impairment.


The transfer of information or power between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. Wireless does not necessarily infer “Wi-Fi”. The Brooks wireless platform is a proprietary protocol called “RadioLINK”. This is purposely implemented to avoid interference from other transmission systems.